What is the difference between dragonflies and damselflies?
1) The wing shapes are the same in damselflies, whereas in dragonflies, the hind wings are broader than their      forewings.
2)  In damselflies, the wings are closed at rest, whereas in dragonflies, the wings are open at rest.
3) The damselfly bodies are slim and  long, whereas dragonfly bodies are robust.
4) The damselfly flight patterns are slow, whereas dragonfly flight patterns are fast and agile.


Ebony Jewelwing
(Calopteryx maculata)

Ebony Jewelwing - male 

Ebony Jewelwing - male ​​​​​​​

The female Ebony Jewelwing has white spots on each of its upper wings.

Ebony Jewelwing - female



Familiar Bluet
(Enallagma civile)

Familiar Bluet

Familiar Bluet


Female Eastern Forktail
(Ischnura verticalis)

The damselflies copulate in the same manner as the dragonflies do: i.e., the male clasps the back of the head of the female. The female then flexes the tip of her abdomen (which contains ova) onto the  ventral aspect of the male abdomen, which contains sperm cells.
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